Friday, August 27, 2010

Panda Cat

Well, I don't usually let her sit on the dining table, but at least she is taking a bath! Do you have one of these at your house? She used to be thin, affectionate, energetic... but now she is fat and just lies around doing nothing! She doesn't hunt, never comes when called, etc.. She does still have a healthy appetite so I guess that is a good thing. She also generally stays outside in the garage. This was a rare occassion when she was let in the house and I guess she decided to take advantage of the "facilities" to get her grooming in. But, the dining room table? Anyway, the camera was handy and I just couldn't resist getting her picture in this pose. As you can tell, she is very excited about her camera debut!

Girl Crazy

This is just about the sweetest picture I have ever taken. That is my tall, handsome, 17 yr old son walking across the parking lot with two of my great nieces! A few weeks ago they came to spend the week and we had such a good time. This is after our weekly Sunday lunch at Carlene's and the very beginning of our fun week together. We made play dough, played in the water, played dress-up, made paper dolls and had tons of other fun. We even had a short sewing lesson for the 2 and 3 yr old seamstresses. They are so much fun to be with and they are funny too. They just crack me up every time they visit. On the last night of their stay, I was letting them stay up a little later and we were just hanging out in the den eating cookies and playing. They were getting pretty rowdy, so I suggested they start settling down and start thinking about getting ready for bed. The 2 yr old jumped up off the couch and continued jumping up and down on the floor. I looked over at her and she said, "I'm sorry, I can't stop it!" How can you help but laugh at that? They so remind me of how fun it is to just play. I can't wait for their next visit!

Monday, June 28, 2010

A Few Before and Afters..



Hello to all my faithful readers.. aka (mom). I know I haven't posted in a month, but I have been busy getting new material to post about! First off, the top pictures show a few items I picked up at the Second Blessings boutique in Huntington. I think I paid less than $5.00 for the whole lot. There is a lamp base, missing the shade, a tarnished and scratched up silver tray, a pot lid and a picture frame. Oh yeah, the top picture is a wall decor item that I wanted to redo with a martial arts theme.
I used the pot lid and lamp base to make a bird bath for my back yard. The birds don't use it yet, but I enjoy looking at it as it sits right next to the bird feeder. I turned the old silver tray into a message board. I used blackboard paint for the center, and some white and black paint for the border to create an antique look. Since the tray is metal, it also can be used with magnets. Hence, I created a magnetic chalk holder from an old pill bottle and used a magnet to attach to the tray. This little cutie hangs outside by my back door, which is really the only door we use. Of course, I had to march all the family members out there and point it out so they would know where to look for my messages. It had been hanging out there for 2 weeks before my husband saw it! And then only when I showed it too him. ( I wonder when he's going to notice the new car parked out there..:)?
And finally, the wall decor painted picture. I painted over the words and added some silhouettes that I found on the internet to create a martial arts themed print for the bathroom where I take my taekwondo classes. It turned out pretty good and gives me inspiration to maybe do a few of my pets or other interest.
While working on all of these, the garden was getting ready to harvest, so I will be posting about that next. Sew, sew long for now and please come back sew soon!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Alaska Cruise 2010

These are just a few of the shots we took. All of my inside shots turned out blurry, so I will post more from Steve's camera later. We really did have a great time. Steve and I traveled with both our mom's, Melissa and David, Melissa's parents and a few friends from our church in Houston. The weather was perfect and we all had a lot of fun. We did get to see all of the highlights in Glacier Bay, Juneau, Sitka, Ketchikan and Victoria, B.C.
We are happy to be back home and working hard in the yard and garden. This is the last week of school, so things will be changing up around here with a 17 year old around during the day. Of course, I could let him sleep most of the day but I think I had better help him stay on somewhat of a schedule. He can get up and do chores around here while I sleep all day though!
Steve has a church mission trip coming up, I have Vacation Bible School and Ethan has youth camp so we are sure to keep busy. Plus, I will be back traveling on the weekends with Spa Girls. Our next gig is in Maryland so I am hoping it is a little cooler there.
Check back in a few days. I have been getting some good things at the thrift shop and have already "fixed up" some stuff, so I will be posting about that soon.

Monday, May 3, 2010

This Brings Back Memories....

Yesterday we picked berries! Dew berries that is, and we were able to find about 1/2 gallon. There are lots of red berries out there so in a few days I will be out there picking again. I remember growing up and having berries, sugar and milk with the just picked berries. So good, and no need to wait for a pie to be baked. Of course, I saved plenty for a pie as well. Actually, I was able to wash and freeze enough for two pies. My fingers are stained purple and I am still picking out thorns, but having fresh berries is so worth it! We also found tons of wild strawberries. I was so excited to find them until I tasted one. I don't think you are suppose to eat them. They taste awful! So disappointing, they are everywhere, and so pretty!

Also, I have been hard at work in my garden. The purple hull and cream peas are finally coming up. One of my tomato plants has about 6 tomatoes already so I am encouraged to keep hoeing and watering. I also have lots of okra plants coming up. Mom requested the okra. I am not a huge fan, but I like anything fresh out of garden, and I am thinking fresh okra and tomatoes with bacon will make a great meal this summer. Also, walking around outside is so pleasant. The honeysuckle is everywhere and the scent is very nice. Lots of bees around, making me want to go and get a bee box with one of those things in it that makes a honeycomb. I think I better ask some expert bee people about that before I try on my own.

Oh yea, C-Seale, our female cat, just had 6 kittens! They are so cute and she just brought them down so we can see them. She had them in the attic of the house about 3 weeks ago and we could not get up there to see them. I had no idea she would have so many. They are still very tiny, but fierce. They hiss and spit at us every time we try to pet them, but they are getting more friendly every day. They aren't even afraid of the big dogs, and they should be! See below for a picture of them at meal time.

Well, that's all for now. I am really going to try to post more often. I think about it all the time and take tons of pictures so that I can have new and interesting things to post. Sew, check back often and see what's happening!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My Guys Hard at Work!

Wahoo!!! The work on the outside of the house has started! Steve and Ethan worked all weekend getting this end of the house ready for new siding. I helped a little bit too. I was in charge of hauling off the old lumber and all the piles of pine straw I had raked up in the front. By the end of the weekend, this end of the house was completely stripped and new insulation installed. There is still such a long way to go, but both guys were in good spirits and I think very pleased with what they had accomplished. I am so proud of them both. Ethan had to give up his entire weekend and didn't complain much at all. They did take a break on Saturday night to go and see Clash of the Titans and of course today we had Easter service at church with lunch following. I continue to tell Ethan that he is going to make some girl very lucky when he settles down since he is learning how to do stuff that most grown men never even attempt. I am sew blessed to have these guys for my very own!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

For $3.00 and a Cup of Coffee....

Forget that, for the price of a cup of coffee here is what $3.25 got me at the Zavalla Assistance Ministries (ZAM) today. A brand new bathroom sink, in perfect condition, 2 kid cowboy hats, 2 books, 2 creamer/sugar dispensers, a necklace of wooden beads, button jewelry and a blue ceramic candle stand. If you are wondering if I actually needed all this today, I would tell you that that is not even the right question to ask. "What will I do with it?" is the question I can answer! OK, here goes, the sink is for the rent house or anyone else's house that needs a new sink, for $1.00 that will save somebody a ton of money! The cowboy hats will be for my kindergarten Vacation Bible School class this summer. Our theme is "ranch something" and these will be perfect for my line leaders. The books will provide priceless hours of reading and leisure for me. The blue ceramic candle holder will be painted and probably turned into a pedestal for a bowl or plate. WAIT, there's more, the wood beads will be for a future project to be painted or covered in fabric. The creamer and sugar holders for their intended purpose and the button jewelry for something?? All this stuff for just $3.25 and new material for the blog..... PRICELESS!!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Day!!

We received the warning call last night that school would begin 2 hours later this morning, and then early this morning, we got the call that school was canceled due to ice and snow. I rolled over in bed, looked out the window, and yep, there as a little dusting of snow on the groud. Yelled at the kid that he could stay asleep, after his alarm went off 2 or 3 times, waking me!

Of course, by the time we got up, the snow was melted and everything was cold, wet and dripping. No ice, no snow, but one kid stuck inside with one mom and both of us bored!! On my way back to bed for a nap, I decided to check over my craft blog sites to see if I could get a little bit of inspiration, and it worked! I looked over at and saw how to crochet a heart coaster. So, I went and got out my thread and worked on one. Turned out just like the picture! I might make a few more, but I got distracted by something else on her blog so I went to my button stash and made a few of these button paperclips... so, two crafts in one day. I think I have fulfilled my quota, so now I will go back to bed to try and take a nap. I just wanted to post the projects while everything was still out and fresh on my mind. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Who's Ready for A Cruise?

If you look closely, you will be suprised to see that Melissa and I made the Girl's Get-Away Cruise flyer along with Karen Kingsbury and a few of our other friends. Do you see me there with the towel on my head?? See I circled it:) Yep, that's right, The Spa Girls will be sailing away on our 3rd Girls Getaway Cruise with Premier Christian Cruises this October. We are so excited to meet all the new ladies that will be joining us as well as seeing some of our old friends! If you are interested go to or you can call 1-800-889-5265. If you register by Feb 12, there is a $100 savings. $50 savings if you book by April 16th. For both of you that read this blog!!! lol that is a pretty good deal. Oh yea, be sure to mention that you are with "the Spa Girls" when you sign up.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I Made 10 Things Today..

And it is only 10:30 am....
1) a ham
2)my bed
3)a mess
4)my kid mad
5)a mistake
6)a right turn
7)a wrong turn
8)a phone call
9)a decision
10) a headache

See, you don't have to be "crafty" to make something. You try it...

Things I Would Like to Make Today

1)a friend
2)a difference
3)Jesus happy
4)Something good to eat

I'm sure it is all in the attitude. I am going to have a positive one today. A positively good one that is. I have much for which to be thankful. I choose to be thankful today!

p.s. (ok, ok, I didn't make my bed yet)

I Needed A New Purse!

A few weeks ago, I bought this beautiful fabric at JoAnn's with plans to make a small quilt.

I really like this fabric, but realizing I would not be making a quilt anytime soon, I decided to make myself a purse instead. I used Simplicity 2685 view A. And here it is.....!
It was a simple pattern and only took the afternoon to sew up. I'm not sure now how I will like it as a purse/bag, but I do like looking at it! I even used up some of the scraps to make myself a new key chain to match. Then, I had a few more scraps so I made a few more....

I realize that my picture taking ability, combined with poor lighting, and not knowing how to disable my flash, all combine to result in poor picture quality. I also know that other bloggers have pictures that are so much prettier in their posts. However, I am lucky to have even taken a picture, much less, managed to turn in around right, adjust the size, download to this blog and still live to write about it... so, I am thankful for these pictures, actually quite proud! So, if you can do better, please come for a visit and teach me how! Thanks sew much..


I've Been Making Stuff.....

Random pile of dominoes....

Pretty Necklace...

I just added some paint, scrapbook paper, charms and beads and now I have a pretty pendant made from a domino! It is like working with a very small canvas. I managed to get all the dominoes on the table, painted, but then I ran out of creativity and had to put them all away. The finished one is one that I actually made several months ago. In a few days, weeks, or months, I will get those painted ones out of their box and finish making them into beautiful necklaces. I have seen them for sale in stores and boutiques and sometimes they are quite expensive. Maybe, when I get some of the ones finished I will put in the lisassewfun.etsy store, so start saving your money now! One of a kind, customized, from an old domino, recycled jewelry, can be expensive!! sew kidding..... I will probably end of giving away for gifts, but don't worry Mom and Sis, I won't give you anymore, since you already have a couple! Sew long for now..

Monday, January 18, 2010

Life is A Beach

Neither wind, rain, sleet, snow, ...... can keep me off the beach!

Here is the wonderful beach house that we return to yearly!

And here are my wonderful friends who make the trip fun no matter what the weather conditions!

Your real friends like you with no makeup, bad hair, baggy sweats, etc. So far they can like you that way for at least 3 days. Maybe longer, but we had to leave to return to the real world!

This is my Pray and Crochet group that I have been meeting with for over 2 years. They meet each week at CBC to pray and crochet for friends in our church. Since my move, I no longer get to go to all of the weekly meetings, but have been known to join in on the phone from time to time. Once we get our computer confidence up, we might even try the webcam so it can almost seem as though I am there! This weekend was our second annual retreat and we had a blast. After 3.5 days, we still had much to talk about. We learned some new crochet stitches, had great food and even learned a new domino game. New for me that is.

The weather was wet, windy and cold, but we still enjoyed just being able to visit and share what each family has been doing this year. We exchanged recipes and craft ideas. As a matter of fact, I was able to make a good Christmas craft list so that I can get started on next year's gifts.

Of course, what trip away would be complete without stopping at a few new thrift shops? We only found one, but I hit the jackpot. Found just what I was looking for so I will be posting my newest thrift redo in a few days. Sew long for now.

Monday, January 4, 2010

One Little Dausdhund Went Out to Play....

With her three babies! Isn't this the cutest thing you have ever seen on my blog??? I got the pattern online at . It was designed by Cathy Porter and when I saw it I just had to order. I intended to make several sets for Christmas but this is the only one that was actually completed. It went to one of my "great grand" nieces. It has several parts that are sewn on by hand and I am waiting to see how they hold up to loving and playing before I complete any more of them. They are fun to make and take very little fabric, so I plan to make a few more in the future.
This was probably one of my favorite gifts to give this season. I probably had more fun making and watching the little dogs be created than anyone will have playing with them, and that makes it even more rewarding. I love that this year my preparations for Christmas were almost as enjoyable as seeing the receipients open their gifts.
Mom and I made several homemade items to give. She crocheted lots of hats and scarfs and we also made lots of fabric alphabet letters that went out to all the smallest great grandchildren to help them as they learn to read and spell. They didn't seem overly thrilled with those as gifts, but I think that once all the new, flashy and bright toys get old, they will find that these are a fun way to learn and play at the same time. I especially hope that my niece who homeschools her children will find many uses for them. We found the pattern online as well at And it is a free download. My favorite!
Sew, with Christmas behind us, we are starting to look forward projects we can do for the coming year. We each have a stack of ideas and plans. Let's just see if we can stay motivated to get some things finished. We already made 2 more scarfs, so we are already stocking up for next Christmas! YEA!

I Have Been Away from Blog......

To all my faithful blog followers, you two or three know who you are, I am finally back at the computer. I took some time off for Christmas and to be sick, get well, get sick again, get well, get sick again....well I think you get the overall bad picture. School started back up today, so I decided to get back to work as well. I downloaded all my Christmas pics (never as many as I thought I was taking) and started looking through them for some interesting blog material. I'm still looking.

My computer is located in a rather cold part of my house and currently my feet and fingers are freezing cold, but nevertheless, I will continue looking around in my computer files for interesting material to blog about. (I know that is wrong sentence structure to end sentence with a preposition, but saying interesting material about which to blog, is just so "not me".) So, for my young, still in English class, followers, ignore all gramatical things you see here. This is not an English lesson!

I will be posting a few more holiday topics while they are still fresh in my memory, so I hope you will begin checking again for new and exciting news from me! Sew kidding!

Christmas Projects

So, a few days before Christmas, I stopped off at my favorite thrift shop in Huntington Tx, Second Blessings, and found this cute picture in a blond wooden frame for just $1.00. Immediately, I had a vision for what it would become.

I went to my stash of paint and found these colors.

I started painting the frame until I got just the right affect I was looking for.

And here is the finished gift! I had previously traced off the three girls hand prints earlier in the month, and then I just traced them onto a piece of scrap fabric and embroidered in different colors that blended nicely with the frame. Beginning cost of frame, $1.00. Final cost of gift, priceless!