Saturday, May 9, 2009

Tractor Day Finally Arrived

This is the day for which he has been waiting for more than 12 years. The look on his face is him smiling with teeth! He knew this was going on the blog so it's his fault that he posed with such a silly expression. As a matter of fact, when I heard him pull up with the tractor and ran outside with the camera, I heard him tell Ethan that I was just getting new material for my blog! So, He Knows!! So of course, they cranked her up (she doesn't have a name yet) and drove around a bit. This morning he was up bright and early to get started. So over the sound of me typing, I can hear the tractor mowing outside and hitting lots of big stuff. Should look much better around here by tonight. I'll "sew" let you know how things are going!

1 comment:

  1. Oh My GOSH!!!

    that picture of Steve is priceless! I've never seen him smile and actually show teeth!

    Ya'll must really be loving the country. I can't wait to see you soon!

