Thursday, May 7, 2009

How Does Your Garden Grow?

This is number one son's garden. He has tomatoes and peppers so far. I have asked for some space for my 2 tomato plants and a few cucumber plants, but alas his garden is full and I must look elsewhere. I started a new plot only to find out from hubby that the water line ran through there. What, he thinks I am going to dig down that far and hard. No way, I was planning to just did some little holes with a spoon and get it done! So, tomorrow I will search the place again for a good sunny spot and dig in the dirt a little. I wonder how long before I can go out and pick a warm, vine rippened, red, luscious tomato and bite down into it, squirting seeds and juice everywhere, right in my own back yard? Don't worry, I will of course take a picture of it first for you all to see.

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